Saturday, September 10, 2005

Carnine's Colleagues

If the Great Carnine has the answer to all things literate, his colleague, Kathleen Madigan, seems to have the behavioral angle figured out. Madigan, who was in charge in 2001 of Instruction and Behavior at the corrupted charter outfit, Advantage Schools, has the behavioral mod background to make the MacSchools envisioned by Carnine and Co. into the new Hampton Institutes of the 21st Century. Madigan, who is President of ABCTE and chief propagandist and marketer, shuttles from statehouse to statehouse pushing her phony teacher preparation outfit that offers Internet tests as the way to become a highly-qualified teacher (see this earlier post). Here, back in May, Madigan pumps a new series of summits on how to create the new black codes of civility that will help turn urban populations into partners for the deepening of their own subjugation:

Initiative to Prepare New Teachers to Address Classroom Challenges Unveiled During National Teacher Appreciation Week

Washington, DC (May 4, 2005) - America's foremost psychologists and education researchers will participate in a National Summit Series on Classroom Management & School Violence Prevention, the American Board for Certification of Teacher Excellence announced today.

The first installment of the series, From Prevention to Intervention, will be held on May 15-16, 2005 in Washington , DC .

Participants in the National Summit Series will evaluate and compile valid research regarding classroom management and school violence. The experts will then develop a plan to provide America 's new teachers with evidence-based classroom management strategies.

"Classroom violence is an issue that impacts students, teachers, schools and communities," said American Board President Dr. Kathleen Madigan. "The best way to prevent classroom violence is to compile scientifically based research and disseminate effective strategies to teachers. Creating codes of civility and zero tolerance policies will work only when teachers are provided with the knowledge, resources, and support that truly make a difference for their students."

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