Thursday, October 20, 2005

Fordham Foundation Freaking on NAEP

Over at the neo-con educationist roost, the Fordham Foundation, Finn and the other corporate welfare buzzards are stuck between a rock and a hard place. On the one hand, their unyielding allegiance to NCLB forces them to ignore the new NAEP data that suggests no positive effect on test scores and a potential negative effect as a result of the testing genocide initiated by NCLB.

Instead, they use this opportunity to focus on demonizing states showing gains on their own state tests that are not reflected in the new NAEP scores. Which is it, Checker--do we ignore NAEP or embrace NAEP? Do we ignore the part that shows the unparalleled crass stupidity of NCLB's agenda to privatize K-12 education, or do we embrace the part that shows these lazy and dishonest states are cheating their way out of being labeled the failures that they must be in order to sell the public on the corporate welfare charter school solution?

Or do we, in the best tradition of a schizoid propaganda machine that would make Orwell's head spin, do BOTH!!?

Here is an interesting threat delivered by the Fordham's vice-president. Remember that these are the local control and individual choice advocates:
"If states can't be trusted to hold the line on accountability, the inevitable solution may be a national approach to standards and tests," said Foundation vice president Michael J. Petrilli. "While you might expect to see stronger gains on state tests tied to state standards and curricula, a significant amount of those gains should show up on a benchmark test like NAEP, especially at the lower 'basic' level. Otherwise you have to ask whether states are blurring the truth to make themselves look better."
The New York Times offers a solid piece that gives a little more context this kind of schizophrenic bullying.

1 comment:

  1. right on!

    and, doesn't this release of numbers just light up the sleeping educational reporters--because, after all, it is statistics and edu-industry analysis we need to read more about... certainly the papers need not go into the classrooms or minds of the teachers, students, or parents to assess the damage...
