Monday, January 16, 2006

The New Texas Miracle

Houston takes the lead and becomes the largest school district in the country to adopt a teacher merit pay program tied to guess what -- test scores. Under the new incentive plan for more cheating, dishonesty and corruption, supers would get bonuses of $25,000 and teachers would get $3,000 -- just like the corporate world. In fact, considering the fiscal problems facing most school districts why don't they just funnel the money directly to teachers from the corporate sponsors. What's next -- junkets to Europe and exotic vacations? Sounds like a job for DeLay.
Union says it's too complex

The first will award bonuses to all teachers in schools rated acceptable or higher, based on scores on the state's main standardized test. The second ties pay to student improvement on a standardized test that compares performance to nationwide norms.
In the third section, reading and math teachers whose students fare well compared with others in the district would be eligible for bonuses.
The teachers' union doesn't approve of the plan, saying it focuses too much on test scores and is too complicated. In general, teachers across the country have been paid based on their years of experience and education levels. Starting teachers in Houston make about $36,000 a year.

Meanwhile, here's the inside scoop on those party poopers at the teachers union who just don't seem to get it.

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