Friday, May 05, 2006

The MMMMan Says No Nap Time In Kindergarten

What was once the children's garden is quickly becoming the baby workers' factory, churning out phonemes and morphemes and other elements that begin the Code-knowledge-work trek that begins now before kindergarten.

No time for naps. Photo and story from Charlotte Observer:
. . . . Quiet Time Instead

In Lisa Gurley's class at Forest Park Elementary in Kannapolis, children rest for 15 to 20 minutes after lunch."This just gives them a little bit of down time," she said.

One day, Gurley turned off the lights and put on a CD of Celine Dion singing lullabies. Some students read books; others put their heads down on their desks.

Bodies wiggled. Legs swung back and forth. None fell asleep.

Gurley uses the quiet time to assess students. Destiny Stewart, 5, was fidgeting, so Gurley asked her to come over to a work table.

She took both of Destiny's hands into hers, and looking into her eyes, said, "What makes this sound -- `mmmm'? What is the first sound in the word `man?' "

"M!" Destiny said, smiling.

When Gurley started teaching kindergarten 13 years ago, kids napped for about 40 minutes a day. Today, many come to kindergarten already learning and have been exposed to a school-like setting in preschool, she said.

"We don't really encourage them to sleep," she said. "We're constantly going all day long." . . . .

Before you know it, Destiny will be able to say mmmmmandatory.

1 comment:

  1. I believe nap time, or some sort of rest time, is beneficial for students in Kindergarten. Kindergarten students are extremely active and seem to be constantly moving. Usually when kids become tired, they become grumpy and not as willing to participate in classroom activities. However, with naptime, students will have time to unwind and rejuvenate themselves. I like the idea of rest time better than nap time. Some kids are very stubborn and will do anything to stay awake. Resting for thirty minutes will also help relax and calm students down. Rest time/Nap time will make for less fussy students at the end of the day. To help get in all of the requirements to teach the students, teachers can have the students lay down on mats and read them a book that has to do with a certain topic that is being discussed in class that day. This will also make sure that students are getting down time.
