Monday, July 24, 2006

Boehner Had the Solution Before Miller Manufactured the Problem

Roanoke Times, July 18:

The credentials of House Majority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio, as a reformer were suspect from the beginning.

But since Republicans elected him early this year to succeed the scandal- and indictment-tainted Tom DeLay in the No. 2 spot in the House, Boehner has gone out of his way to dispel any notion that he's interested in changing the corrupt business-as-usual in Congress.

As The New York Times reported last week, Boehner is raising more money from lobbyists than DeLay did when he first took over as majority leader. . . .

The Times reports today that New York, more vigilant than many states, has found deeper corruption than was first indicated in the for-profit diploma mill, Interboro Institute, "one of the largest, fastest-growing profit-making colleges in New York State in recent years."

What does Interboro's corruption have to do with Congressman Boehner? Nothing, except that Boehner was responsible for pushing through Congress laws to favor for-profit and online colleges, i. e., to allow them to exploit, through saturation advertising in places like subways, low-income students who qualify for federal Pell Grants and subsidized loans through private lenders, money that is then signed over to outfits like Interboro when these ill-prepared students enroll.

So while Charles Miller and John Boehner beat their chests about the need for increased accountability and greater access for minorities in the university , keep in mind that the accountability they demand does not extend to the corrupt lenders and the for-profit diploma mills that are set up to drain federal education funds from those programs intended to help the same minorities that these corporate socialists purport to care about by lending them federal education dollars that their cronies and contributors then take back in exchange for a worthless piece of paper.

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