Monday, April 16, 2007

History Question for Florida FCAT

In light of today's tragic events at Virginia Tech, below are a few history questions for the proposed Florida FCAT in social studies and history. Since subjects that are not tested are mysteriously disappearing from the curriculum, Florida teachers , desperate to keep their jobs, are opting to drink the Kool-Aid.
In Florida, where test scores dictate reward money, teacher bonuses and what's taught in class, subjects that aren't on the FCAT might as well not exist.

"Social studies is kind of like that stepchild that's treated differently," said Jason Caros, president of the Florida Association of Social Studies Supervisors. "Whenever there's some new program that has to be done, they say, 'Let's do that in the social studies class."

Social studies, which includes civics, history, geography, government and economics, is the only core academic subject not on the FCAT. Science was added in 2003.

Either intentionally or as a symptom of the all-consuming focus on the FCAT, social studies education has been eroding in Florida.
Fill in the correct bubble.

Where did the WORST school shooting massacre in the history of the United States take place?
0 Littleton, Colorado
0 Tacoma, Washington
0 Blacksburg, Virginia
0 Redlake, Minnesota

What year did the United States Congress fail to renew the assault weapons ban?
0 1994
0 2000
0 2002

I sent my child to school today
With his little lunch box
When he came home he said his friend
Had gotten the chickenpox,

I sent my child to school today
And asked him what he learned
He told me about firemen
They taught him how not to get burned,

I sent my child to school today
He said, "Do you know what they taught me?"
He told me they taught him numbers
As well as his ABC’s,

I sent my child to school today
A smile on his face
I gave him a kiss and a hug
And said, "See ya funny face!",

I sent my child to school today
His smile bright and wide
But an older child brought in a gun
How did he get it inside?,

I sent my child to school today
As in every day
But the child with the gun started shooting
The reason? No one could say,

I buried my child after school today
All I can do is cry
I lost my child at school today
And nobody can tell me why.
There is no one left to ask why.

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