Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Give Sen. Kennedy and the Dems an Earful on NCLB

I got this personalized letter today from my good friend, Senator Kennedy, who is asking my opinion on the important issues of the day. Believe it or not, when you go to the survey, there is a question (and comment box) on "Education Reform." Please take the time to let Senator Kennedy hear from you on NCLB by clicking on the survey link in the letter:

Dear Jim,

One of the most important goals of the Committee for a Democratic Majority is to create on online community that can work together to build on our victories last November.

I also wanted the Committee to give you -- the Democratic Majority across our country -- an opportunity to speak out on the issues that you believe are the most important.

I want to make sure we're doing all we can to achieve our shared goals. To do so, it would also be very helpful to know a little more about you.

Will you let us know what you think we should be doing, and a little more about yourself?

The Committee for a Democratic Majority should not just represent my views -- but the views of millions of Americans who stood up last year and insisted that our country change direction. From fighting to end the war to reforming our broken student loan system, I think we've made a good start, but I know we can do more.

This survey is meant to help us learn who you are and what you want us to do as we move closer to the 2008 election cycle. I need your frank views as you answer these questions. The more accurate the results are, the better we will be able to focus our efforts.

Please take a minute to answer the Committee for a Democratic Majority survey:

Thank you for your help in putting America back on track. I look forward very much to your responses.


Senator Edward M. Kennedy

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