Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Chalkface Has It Right about Jon Stewart

I do not blame Jon Stewart for not being a policy wonk on education, but I do blame him for not asking the questions that have never been answered  

Questions For Michelle:  
  • What do you hope to accomplish from your '"radical" project? 
  • Who pays your salary, and who put up the money for Students First?  
  • What is your connection to Jeb Bush and Forum for Educational Excellence?  
  • Why were investigators of the DC cheating scandal not given orders to get to the bottom of the cheating?  
  • How did you come out smelling like a rose after that cheating scandal, when most people would have been unemployable in education circles? 
  • What are the sources for your research on the amount of teacher effect on learning?  
  • How much do non-school effects alter testing outcomes?  

From Tim Slekar at Chalkface:

When will Jon host some teachers and scholars to his stage to talk about why high stakes education is killing American learning?


  1. ... "When will Jon host some teachers and scholars to his stage to talk about why high stakes education is killing American learning?" ..

    Most likely, when one has a best selling book with an agent or publishing house that has connections to the show.

  2. So lets see if he'll host Diane Ravitch.
