Saturday, July 12, 2014

Following Rhonda's Advice: Be a "Little Badass"

With salary and benefits at $550,000 a year, it won't be easy to pry Weingarten from her offices at AFT.  But following the advice she offered teachers at the convention, here are a few ways teachers might be a "little BadAss":

1) Place pickets outside AFT and NEA headquarters until policies and leadership change to protect children, teachers, and parents, rather than exploit them.

2) Disrupt every meeting of AFT and NEA with pro-children and pro-education pickets.

3) Write letters to your local newspaper outlining the corruption of AFT and NEA misleadership.

4) Organize a real union of teachers and parents to protect children from corporate predators and profiteers, protect teacher rights from TFA and charter industry fascists, protect parents' right to have quality free public schools for all children, and protect the human right to learn rather than to be tested.

5) Stop paying union dues until Lily and Rhonda (aka Randi) resign.

6) Develop strong networks with a common agenda to 1) eradicate high stakes testing, 2) end corporate control of public schools, and 3) create diverse and inclusive schools and classroom.

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