Wednesday, November 09, 2016

Stop Crying--Start the Fucking Revolution

The DNC got the candidate it wanted, even though everyone who was asked told them their choice had a worse chance of beating Trump than the candidate that the DNC agents marginalized.

The media got what it wanted when it spent months providing thousands of hours in free publicity for a racist, mean-spirited billionaire who knows nothing about governance.

And the angry red birds in the forgotten hamlets of America got what they wanted by poking fingers into the eye of a corrupt Washington establishment whose chosen blueprint for planetary death was to be a gradual one that no one could do anything about until it was too late.

The Trump Presidency (yeah, think about that) has the potential to consolidate a political revolution to save the Earth and its many species, including humans.  The Trump Presidency has brought clearly into focus the proud and arrogant enemies of civil rights, human rights, education rights, economic rights.  The Trump Presidency will bring to a head the mountainous pustule of capitalism that now must be lanced with many pointed spears in order for the body politic to have a chance to live.

John Dewey pointed out many years ago that emotions aroused that lead to action are signs of healthy human processes, while emotions that are felt and not acted upon are debilitating and dangerous.

Dry your tears, get off your ass, and join the revolution that must begin and must continue until human civilization is assured a chance to flourish once more.

1 comment:

  1. Trump ran against Common Core. I'm good with that.
    IT's about time to stop the attack on teachers and public ed.
