Wednesday, April 05, 2017

Gorsuch's Impeccable, Plagiarized Scholarship

Big story from Politico on Gorsuch's impressive, though second-hand, opinions.  A clip:
. . . .At one point, Gorsuch’s prose mimics Kuzma’s almost word for word in describing a child born with Down syndrome.

Kuzma stated that “Esophageal atresia with tracheoesophageal fistula indicates that the esophageal passage from the mouth to the stomach ends in a pouch, with an abnormal connection between the trachea and the esophagus.”

Gorsuch wrote that “Esophageal atresia with tracheoesophageal fistula means that the esophageal passage from the mouth to the stomach ends in a pouch, with an abnormal connection between the trachea and the esophagus.”

Gorsuch also uses similar language as Kuzma in describing “Baby Doe’s” first days.

“Shortly after Baby Doe was born, a hearing was held at Bloomington Hospital to determine whether the parents had the right to refuse the surgery on behalf of their child. An attorney was present at the hearing to represent the parents, though no one was present to represent Baby Doe’s potentially adverse interests. Six physicians attended, three of whom had obstetric privileges and three of whom had pediatric privileges at Bloomington Hospital,” Gorsuch wrote.

Wrote Kuzma: “Approximately twenty-six hours after Infant Doe was born, a hearing was held at Bloomington Hospital to determine whether the parents had the right to choose a course of treatment for their child that consisted of allowing the child to die. An attorney was present at the hearing to represent the child’s parents. No attorney was present to represent Infant Doe’s interests. Six physicians attended the hearing, three of whom had obstetric privileges and three of whom had pediatric privileges at Bloomington Hospital.” . . . .

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Integrity is hopelessly out of fashion.

    Abigail Shure
