"A child's learning is the function more of the characteristics of his classmates than those of the teacher." James Coleman, 1972

Friday, September 02, 2005

Standing Up Pays Off in Chicago

When the Feds required Chicago schools to dismantle their after school tutoring programs in favor of privatized tutoring firms who would charge more than four times as much with no accountability in place, local officials called the federal requirement "ludicrous" and continued their local tutoring. With that rebuff, and now under fire from 47 states on a multitude of NCLB issues, Maggie and Co. have cut a deal to allow Chicago to do what they refused to give up. Here is the story from the NY Times today.

This is an important case with an important message for other cities and states. Standing up and doing what is right for kids and teachers and parents offers a stark contrast to the corruption, stupidity, and ideological blindedness of NCLB.

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