"A child's learning is the function more of the characteristics of his classmates than those of the teacher." James Coleman, 1972

Friday, March 02, 2007

Pledging Allegiance

A new and important book:

"Should be welcomed by anyone who is concerned that the values of peace, of democracy, be held high by the coming generation."—From the Foreword by Howard Zinn, author of A People’s History of the United States

"A valuable sourcebook for those who are uncertain about what patriotism is and, even more, for those who are certain that they know."
-Howard Gardner, Harvard University, author of Five Minds for the Future.

"Opens to critical scrutiny the very idea of loyalty to a country."
-Alfie Kohn, author of The Schools Our Children Deserve and What Does It Mean to Be Well Educated?

"A fine and thoughtful collection of essays that probe the perhaps inevitable but nevertheless deeply problematic role of patriotism in a democratic society."
-Frances Fox Piven, author of The War at Home and Challenging Authority

"Strong reflections and perspectives on the fundamental stories about our country that we tell our future citizens."
-Paul Loeb, author of Soul of a Citizen

Table of Contents

Once Upon a Time When Patriotism Was What You Did, Gloria Ladson-Billings

No Black in the Union Jack: The Ambivalent Patriotism of Black Americans, Charles M. Payne

Educators in the War on Terrorism, Pedro Noguera and Robby Cohen

"Children Are the Living Message We Send to a Time We Will Not See", Delaine Eastin

The Psychology of Patriotism, Michael J. Bader

Second Fiddle to Fear, Denise Walsh

On Patriotism and the Yankees: Lessons Learned From Being a Fan, Deborah Meier

Patriotism, Nationalism, and Our Jobs as Americans, James W. Loewen

Another Way to Teach Politically Without P.C.: Teaching the Debate About Patriotism, Gerald Graff

Pledging Allegiance, Walter C. Parker

Patriotism Is a Bad Idea at a Dangerous Time, Robert Jense

Patriotism Makes Kids Stupid, Bill Bigelow

Celebrating America, Diane Ravitch

Teaching Patriotism-with Conviction, Chester E. Finn Jr.

Hearts and Minds: Military Recruitment and the High School Battlefield, William Ayers

Weapons of Fatal Seduction: Latinos and the Military, Héctor Calderón

A Small Space of Sanity, Studs Terkel

Is Patriotism Good for Democracy?, Joseph Kahne and Ellen Middaugh

I Solemnly Swear, Joan Kent Kvitka

Patriotism and Ideological Diversity in the Classroom, Diana Hess and Louis Ganzler

Toeing the Line and the Law: First Amendment Rights in Schools, karen emily suurtamm with Edwin C. Darden, Esq.

"Patriotism, Eh?" The Canadian Version, Sharon Anne Cook

Patriot Acts: This Isn't the First Time, Cecilia O'Leary

Patriotism's Secret History, Peter Dreier and Dick Flacks

Politics and Patriotism in Education, Joel Westheimer

Poetry and Patriotism, Maxine Greene

Patriotism by the Numbers, Cindy Sheehan

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