"A child's learning is the function more of the characteristics of his classmates than those of the teacher." James Coleman, 1972

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Rhee Ready to Bribe Teachers Out of Tenure

An economy wrecked by the greedy and corrupt "free market" oligarchs will not stand in the way of Michelle Rhee, the first TFA graduate to nominally head an urban education school system for the purposes of blowing it up. As reported by Bill Turque today in WaPo, she is still on schedule to be the admininstrative pawn who will use some of that "free market" stash that no one can seem to locate in order to buy the job security rights from DC teachers if they are fool enough to go for the bait.

Standing by with unlimited resources for Rhee's disposal are the social entrepreneurial parasites who will be paid dollar for dollar tax credits for the $375,000,000 that they plan to provide Rhee to accomplish their goal of crushing the teaching profession in DC. This is all part of a new philanthropy, which looks so similar to an older fascism, where the lines between government and capital are rubbed out in order to pursue the ideology of the elite. Can this really be happening America without a whimper of protest? A clip from WaPo:
The chancellor said the financial downturn has not weakened what she has described as commitments from private foundations to fund an unprecedented five-year program of "reform stipends" and performance bonuses for teachers. An information packet given to the union this summer said senior teachers could make as much as $135,000 annually in salary and bonuses. Rhee has declined to name the organizations but has mentioned four to private audiences: Gates, Broad, Dell and Robertson.

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