"A child's learning is the function more of the characteristics of his classmates than those of the teacher." James Coleman, 1972

Sunday, August 04, 2019

If #LAUSD's Nick Melvoin did engage in acts of moral turpitude…

Crooked Nick Melvoin of LAUSD
The esteemed Professor Diane Ravitch wrote about one of the newest revelations on the Michael Kolhaas dot org website. She writes:
"He says that [Nick] Melvoin as a member of the board was privy to the LAUSD legal strategy in its perennial struggle with the charter lobby. He says that Melvoin shared this strategy with the charter lobby."
This is very serious.

I don’t have time to look into this closely, but if this Nick Melvoin—an attorney—was sharing confidential information with the opposing party in litigation, then he has likely violated a number of The State Bar of California’s Rules of Professional Conduct. At issue are several parts of Rule 8.4 Misconduct (e.g. 8.4(a), 8.4(c), 8.4(e)), Rule 1.11, and others—particularly those governing conflicts of interest and the duties of honesty and candor.

I strongly encourage people to visit How to File a Complaint Against an Attorney on The State Bar of California’s (CalBar) website. Calbar has the authority to investigate and discipline attorneys. The conduct that Melvoin has allegedly engaged in would likely result in discipline, or even disbarment, given the severity of the acts. However, CalBar will only take action if they’re aware of Melvoin’s alleged conduct.

Saturday, August 03, 2019

Now Black Total Compliance Means Hair, Too

The name of the school is Narvie J. Harris Theme School.  The principal's name is Lisa Watkins, and her email address is lisa_f_watkins@dekalbschoolsga.org. Phone #: 678.676.9202
From New Age box fades to braids, a display on the wall of a suburban Atlanta elementary school tried to illustrate a variety of “inappropriate” haircuts and hairstyles. But there was one thing the children who were photographed had in common: They were all black.

The display by the Narvie J. Harris Theme School in Decatur, Ga., was taken down on Thursday — the same day it had been put up — after being widely criticized as racially insensitive. The episode happened at a time when cities and states across the United States have adopted legislation making it illegal to discriminate on the basis of a person’s hairstyle. 

The faces of the children in the photographs were covered with Post-it notes. It was unclear if they were students at the school, which is 95 percent African-American, according to the state’s Governor’s Office of Student Achievement. 

The display went viral after Danay Wadlington, the owner of a beauty parlor in the nearby city of Duluth, posted a photograph of it on Facebook after her client, whose child goes to the school, gave it to her. That woman did not want to be identified.

Van Asselt Racist 911 Call

Apparently, the school to prison pipeline in Seattle begins in elementary school.  Listen to this teacher below call Seattle's finest to her school to handle a 10 year old who had already been taken to the office for disciplining.  Could this be one of Hillary's "super-predators" or one of Trump's "thugs?"

And yes, this dumbass teacher was castigated by her colleagues.