"A child's learning is the function more of the characteristics of his classmates than those of the teacher." James Coleman, 1972

Friday, July 26, 2024

Trump Party's "Project 2025" on Education

 Media Matters has a great synopsis of the major policy changes that in store beginning next year if convicted felon and malignant narcissist, Donald Trump, is elected in November.  Despite Trump's lies, his fingerprints are all over "Project 2025."

Here are the major bullet points on Education:

  • Project 2025’s proposal for America’s education system would be one of the most extreme plans yet, calling for eliminating the Department of Education, getting rid of all teachers unions, and tearing down regulations on education spending. Far-right “parental rights” organization Moms for Liberty and the anti-union Institute for Education Reform have partnered with Project 2025 to create these proposals.

    • The first sentence of Project 2025’s chapter on the Department of Education simply states: “Federal education policy should be limited and, ultimately, the federal Department of Education should be eliminated.” [Project 2025, Mandate for Leadership, 2023
    • Citing “the path outlined by Milton Friedman in 1955,” Heritage’s Lindsey Burke advocates for American education through school vouchers, claiming, “Ultimately, every parent should have the option to direct his or her child’s share of education funding through an education savings account (ESA), funded overwhelmingly by state and local taxpayers, which would empower parents to choose a set of education options that meet their child's unique needs.” [Project 2025, Mandate for Leadership, 2023]
    • Project 2025 seeks to eliminate the National Education Association’s congressional charter, which allows for the existence of teachers unions, calling it “a demonstrably radical special interest group that overwhelmingly supports left-of-center policies and policymakers.” [Project 2025, Mandate for Leadership, 2023]
    • The plan also wants to remove federal oversight for funds under Title 1, “which provides support for low-income districts,” instead handling them as “no-strings-attached” state grants “with no regulation or oversight.” Federal education funding for students with special needs would “also be converted to unregulated block grants.” [Bucks County Beacon, 11/20/23]
    • The proposal also aims at eliminating any policies implemented under the Obama administration that support diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives or so-called “critical race theory,” arguing that CRT specifically disrupts “the values that hold communities together such as equality under the law and colorblindness.” [Bucks County Beacon, 11/20/23; Project 2025, Mandate for Leadership, 2023]

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Dem VP Choice Should Support Public Schools

Pennsylvania's governor, Josh Shapiro, is one of the favorites for Harris's VP pick.  From where I sit, Shapiro's position on school privatization should eliminate him from the running.  

From Chalkbeat, May 2024:

Shapiro said during the [budget] address that he still supports some form of voucher funding for students in underperforming school districts to spend towards “extra tutoring, books and computers, or yes, going to another school.”

Shapiro added, “the Senate passed a proposal last year that included important elements of that, and it’s something I support and consider to be unfinished business.”


Monday, July 15, 2024


Here's a recent sampling of Trump headlines prior to Saturday's attack. You tell me: could there be some connection, perhaps?!


May 31, 2024

Trump supporters try to dox jurors and post violent threats after his conviction

On social media and web forums, users called for jurors, judges and prosecutors to be killed after the former president was found guilty on 34 felony counts. . .  .

 March 18, 2024

Trump under fire again for violent language and dehumanizing anti-immigrant rhetoric


January 9, 2021

Donald Trump is the accelerant

A comprehensive timeline of Trump encouraging hate groups and political violence.


 October 2, 2023

Trump ramps up violent rhetoric

NBC News’ analysis of all of the former president’s public remarks shows that his recent statements and social media posts have taken a dark and aggressive turn.


August 17, 2023

Judges, jurors, prosecutors in Trump cases face death threats and doxing fears


September 16, 2022

Donald Trump’s newest defense strategy is laced with menace.


May 31, 2024

Violent threats are at a fever pitch as Trump stokes anger over his conviction





Sunday, July 14, 2024

Wanna-Be Trump Assassin: White Registered Republican Gun Nut

Had Trump been neutralized, one may wonder if his supporters would alter their views on the legality of assault rifles. 

From The Daily Beast:

The FBI identified Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20, as the gunman who fired multiple shots with an AR-style rifle in a failed assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday. . . . During the attack, Crooks wore a gray T-shirt with an American flag on the sleeve, matching merchandise sold by the popular YouTube firearm channel Demolition Ranch. The channel has over 11 million subscribers and frequently posts videos about various types of weaponry.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Lawrence: Biden speaks to NATO and AFL-CIO after Trump read a teleprompter

Last evening Lawrence O'Donnell had a video clip of Joe Biden publicly speaking yesterday at AFL-CIO headquarters for 6 minutes without notes or teleprompter.  Lawrence's setup begins around 10:20 of the clip from his show, and Biden's impromptu remarks end at 19:25.  The remaining four minutes are pretty priceless, so watch the rest--please.

O'Donnell notes that this video was available yesterday to all networks, channels, stations, URLs, etc., but no one in the media, not one outlet bothered to show Joe Biden walking normally or speaking normally in public.  This self-imposed blindness by the news media provides a prime example of what can happen when the most common cognitive bias-- which is confirmation bias-- sets in at an institutional level.  Any evidence that does not confirm the breathless conclusion formed during and just after the first presidential debate is summarily ignored. And it was a performance by Biden that actually confirmed an already strongly-held  hypothesis made possible by months and months of hammering the proposition that Joe Biden is too old to be President.

The corporate media echo chamber, led by the New York Times and Washington's Amazon Post, is now so invested in destroying Joe Biden's candidacy that they cannot or will not see any evidence that runs contrary to the news story (now a fortnight old), a news story that has now taken on the full dress of a major propaganda campaign designed to poison public opinion about Joe Biden, all for the purpose of confirming a conclusion made possible by a 90 minute debate performance. 

So as knowledge is the only remedy for beliefs that do not depend upon evidence (all the evidence), have a 10 minute lesson in what the corporate media is not telling the world. And someone call Mr. Clooney and let him know that it's alright for him to come out from under his blankie and watch, along with the adults.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

First Study on First Debate Impact Shows No Change in the Presidential Race

 How about this headline that actually matches what we find in the text that follows:  No change: Evaluating the short-term impact of the first presidential debate on voter preferences

Here is a brief clip from the new research:

The predominant pattern we see in the data is stability in voters’ preferences.Overall, 94% of those who chose Biden and 86% of those who chose Trump in our May survey still preferred the same candidate after the debate. There was a small rate of change from Biden to Trump or vice versa –less than 3% shifted in either direction. We observed more churn between those who favored either Biden or Trump and the “Other” category. About 4% of Biden’s and 6% of Trump’s supporters in the earlier wave shifted to “Other” post-debate. At the same time, 6% of “Other” shifted to Biden, and another 6% shifted to Trump.  

Will this research be reported on or even acknowledged by the New York Times

Why I Just Cancelled My Long-Held Subscription to the New York Times

I've been a subscriber to the New York Times for too long to remember, but today I've had it.  The once-great Grey Lady is now engaged in a propaganda campaign to sow confusion and cast doubt on the legitimacy of Joe Biden's presidency and his candidacy. 

Why they are doing this, I cannot say.  Do they want a return of the insane gangster clown, Donald Trump?  Maybe. Has their elitist hubris finally got the better of them.  Don't know.

So let me make this short and not so sweet by quoting former Vice-President, Dick Cheney, whose infamous imperative was used many times, but never in the context with which I use it now toward the New York Times: GO FUCK YOURSELF!

Here's the straw that broke the camel's back.  From Sarah Burris at Raw Story:

'They make up news': Nancy Pelosi lashes out at NY Times' report on her Biden comments

Former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is trashing the New York Times after it ran a story saying she suggested President Joe Biden could "reconsider" running for reelection against Donald Trump.

Pelosi appeared on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" on Wednesday, saying that right now isn't the time to focus on Biden when the country is hosting a significant NATO summit with world leaders celebrating the alliance's 75th anniversary.

“It’s up to the president to decide if he is going to run,” Pelosi said. “We’re all encouraging him to make that decision. Because time is running short.”

Pressed, Pelosi replied: “I want him to do whatever he decides to do. And that’s the way it is. Whatever he decides, we go with.”

The New York Times took the quotes and ran a story with the headline: "Pelosi Suggests That Biden Could Reconsider Decision to Stay in the Race."

After the report was published, Pelosi was confronted by CBS News reporter Jaala Brown.

“I never said he should reconsider his decision," Pelosi told her. "The decision is the president’s. I don’t know what’s happened to The New York Times that they make up news. It isn’t true," she said.

"I think the President is great. And there are some misrepresentations of what I have said," Pelosi added.

Pelosi told MSNBC she wanted to "hold off. Whatever you’re thinking, either tell somebody privately, but you don’t have to put that out on the table until we see how we go this week.” . . . .

Tuesday, July 09, 2024

The Elites of Non-Elitism Are Dogpiling Joe Biden

Hey, there's a new soap opera being written daily in the corporate media, and there's a growing cast of players to act out their unconvincing roles as democracy-cherishing, elder-protecting patriots.  

There's Michael Moore, whose overriding concern is to protect democracy and the aged, going so far as to imply that the Biden campaign is engaged in elder abuse: 

If I have to be the only one to stand up for Joe Biden here, to protect him from the cruelest form of elder abuse I’ve ever been forced to watch, well then that’s what I’ll do,” Moore said. “He was in epic distress that Thursday night. Every cognitive default in his mind seemed to be shutting down. If this had been someone that you truly cared about, loved, embraced … what would you have done? 

Apparently, it never dawned on Michael that even the aged and decrepit have the right to make choices, at least until their protectors convince them they're no longer able to. Does he think that someone took Joe's apple sauce away from him on debate night and pushed him out onstage? 

I have a lot of respect for Michael Moore, but this is of the weakest most patronizing steamy pile variety of rationalizations for relieving someone of his rights under the Constitution that Michael, otherwise, cherishes.  Would Michael really be the dutiful and protective son, willing to involuntarily retire Dad from the world's most important job that he's proven to be the best at since Lyndon Johnson, and shove him in the old folks home regardless of what Dad has to say on the matter?

And then there's Rob Reiner, who says "it's time to stop fucking around . . . it's time for Joe Biden to step down." Rob Reiner, one of Hollywood's most famous large "D" Democrats, whose concern for preserving our democracy goes so far, obviously, as to force out the Democratic candidate who collected 87 percent of the democratic votes cast in all the Democratic primaries.  

That's 14,000,000 people who participated in the only democratic process we have for selecting a candidate.  Should Biden desert those folks who chose him in order to satisfy the Rob Reiners of the world, who would preserve democracy by simply ignoring how it works.  Maybe Reiner should take Joe's advice and put his favored candidate forward at the upcoming convention, rather than sitting in the balcony making a lot of noise and throwing spitballs.  Who the fuck does he think he is?


Monday, July 08, 2024

More Shameless, Misleading Headlines from the New York Times

The highest caste of Manhattan elites who comprise the New York Times Editorial Board has its vast army of reporters beating the bushes looking for any suggestion of evidence that Joe Biden could be, may be, might be unfit for office.  

If you are one of the hundreds of thousands who have already seen today's scary Biden headline without reading the story, then you probably think that Joe Biden probably has Parkinson's.  Here's the headline, above the digital fold, p. 1: "Parkinson’s Expert Visited the White House Eight Times in Eight Months."  

So there you have it, a clear suggestion that the good doctor was there to treat poor ole' Joe for god knows what. You have to get down to the third paragraph before you get to the news that neutralizes the Times's breathless headline:

It was unclear whether Dr. Cannard was at the White House to consult specifically about the president or was there for unrelated meetings. Dr. Cannard’s LinkedIn page describes him as “supporting the White House Medical Unit” for more than 12 years. His biography on Doximity, a website for health professionals, lists him as a “neurology consultant to the White House Medical Unit and the physician to the president” from 2012 to 2022, which would include the administrations of Presidents Barack Obama and Donald J. Trump.

Records from the Obama administration, when Mr. Biden was vice president, show that Dr. Cannard made at least 10 visits in 2012 plus a family tour; four in 2013; one in 2014; four in 2015; and eight in 2016. Mr. Trump rescinded Mr. Obama’s voluntary White House visitors disclosure policy, so records are not available for his four years in office.

Dr. Cannard did not respond to repeated requests for comment. The White House would not comment specifically on the purpose of Dr. Cannard’s recent visits or whether they were related to the president. “A wide variety of specialists from the Walter Reed system visit the White House complex to treat the thousands of military personnel who work on the grounds,” Andrew Bates, a White House spokesman, said in a statement.

So let me send this suggestion to the headline writers for the Times, something more appropriate to go with their nothingburger story: "The Canard about Cannard." 

Because the Brahmin on the New York Times Editorial Board have made it their mission to destroy Biden's candidacy, they will obviously use any kind of shitty trick to incentivize non-reading headline gawkers to get this new rumor going viral on antisocial media.  And even sadder, still, it looks like the leading bed wetters of the Democratic Congress are following the Times's lead. 

Update 5:15 PM Central:

To illustrate the influence the Times has, here's the latest from the headline scanners at The Daily Beast, whose desperate grab for attention easily tops the bullshit Times headline: "Biden in New Crisis Over Parkinson’s Doc’s 8 WH Visits."

MSNBC 07 08 2024 on Biden's Call Today to Morning Joe

Saturday, July 06, 2024

Who's Worse, ABC Anal-ists or Sanjay Gupta?

Even before the Biden ABC interview aired yesterday, renowned TV doctor, Sanjay Gupta, had already slow-moed Biden's debate performance and come up with his own diagnosis and prescription based on what he saw from his living room easy chair: a thorough neurological and cognitive screening for the President.  Did Sanjay confer with anyone before he put in his orders with the White House and the rest of the world?  Maybe he sought confirmation from some other famous neurosurgeon--maybe Ben Carson?

With thousands of hours of tape available to him for review at CNN, has Dr. Gupta ever prescribed a thorough neurological, cognitive, and most importantly--psychiatric--workup on the lying gangster clown, Donald Trump?  Of course not.  But then Gupta and the other media jackals know that their howling and gnawing can never affect the Trump Party faithful who proved years ago that they are steadfastly immune to media yowling? 

But Gupta and the other sour-faced talking heads from ABC do know that they can get the soft-shelled Democratic hysterics inside the beltway to listen and begin to quake at all of their snapping and yammering about Joe Biden.  Yesterday ABC didn't even go to the all-important commercial following the Biden interview before its assembled panel of naysayers (so low on the totem poll that they had to work on the 4th of July weekend) leapt into their bad-mouthing rhetorical vortex. 

The adult in the room, Lawrence O'Donell reminded us the other night that in July of 1988 Michael Dukakis was ahead in the polls by 17 point. In November, he was beaten by Poppy Bush by 8.

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

NYTimes Headline Doesn't Match the Story

If you read the story underneath the lying headline, "Biden Told Ally That He Is Weighing Whether to Continue in the Race," you will find the anonymous source for the story did not tell the NYTimes any such bullshit. Was the headline written by the Editorial Board, or was the reporter trying to earn brownie points for making up a headline that doesn't fit the story? 

By the way, the White House emphatically denies the idiotic headline.

Unedited: ProPublica Interviews President Biden, September 2023

Posted here for the weepers, hand wringers, and pearl clutchers:

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Tell Tom Friedman to Stop Weeping

 If I had ever subscribed to the New York Times for its editorials and paid opinionators, I would have cancelled a long long time ago. The editorial board's unceasing support of corporate education initiatives and racist testing schemes would be more than enough to never subscribe again, but then there's the smarmy manipulative candy-ass Republican, David Brooks, America's favorite middle brow intellectual, Tom Friedman, and a whole stable of other pompous neo-libs and libs who provide America's deciders with rationale aplenty for continuing to steer socioeconomic policy down America's white privileged highways.

And yesterday the Editorial Board had the audacity to conclude that the Board's knee-jerk fake liberals should decide who Americans get to vote for in America's most critical presidential election--ever.

Following the phony Debacle Debate Thursday night, Times columnists formed an immediate knee-jerk dogpile pushing Joe Biden to step aside, resign, or crawl under a rock. Tom Friedman wept, for god's sake, Nick Kristoff clucked, and Paul Krugman ciphered Biden irredeemably deep into the liability column of his presidential odds spreadsheet. 

CNN, meanwhile, belatedly published the fact check that it should have done on Thursday night during or following the "debate," during which time Jake and Dana mechanically read questions that could have been generated and delivered by ChatGBT. You can read here the details of the Insane Clown's 30+ lies that he repeatedly spewed into viewers' living rooms Thursday night. 

As Biden summed it up some hours after the debate, "how do you debate a liar?" Personally, I'm with Maryland's governor, Wes Moore, who quipped, "Instead of focusing on [phony] debate performance, let us please focus on presidential performance."

I am with the citizen who told CNN yesterday when asked about her take on the current fake debate frenzy, "I would rather vote for the corpse of Biden than Trump's lying face."

Monday, June 17, 2024

Character Matters | Biden-Harris 2024

School Voucher Programs and White Nationalism

A great piece in Mother Jones about public education dollars being drained away to indoctrinate children in white nationalist "religious" schools.

Earlier this month, former President Donald Trump held his first campaign rally as a convicted felon at Dream City Church in Phoenix, Arizona, hosted by the arch-conservative student group Turning Point USA. This wasn’t Trump’s first appearance at Dream City Church; he also held a rally there with Turning Point USA in 2020. For events like this, it’s an ideal venue: A weekly attendance of around 21,000 believers makes this one of the largest churches not just in Arizona but in the nation.

Dream City, which didn’t respond to my questions for this story, is a mecca for special guests who blur the line between religion and politics. Its annual conference has featured notables like musician and pastor Sean Feucht, who participated in a White House prayer session for President Trump in 2019 and is currently leading a tour of prayer rallies at state capitol buildings across the country. The lineup for this year’s event also included David Barton, whose organization, WallBuilders, teaches K-12 students about the supposed Christian origins of America; Jurgen Mathesius, a pastor at San Diego’s far-right Awaken Church, which has become a stop on Mike Flynn’s ReAwaken America tour; and Jentezen Franklin, a televangelist who also spoke at the 2022 Pray Vote Stand Summit, which mobilizes conservative Christian voters to engage in political activism.

In addition to its thrumming weekly worship sessions and its blockbuster events, the church has another project: Dream City Christian Academy. The K-12 private school, which serves nearly 800 students, is part of Turning Point USA’s Turning Point Academy program, a network of 41 schools that describes itself as “an educational movement that exists to glorify God and preserve the founding principles of the United States through influencing and inspiring the formation of the next generation.” Dream City Christian Academy promises to “Protect our campus from the infiltration of unethical agendas by rejecting all ‘woke’ and untruthful ideologies being pushed on students.”

This politically charged approach to education likely isn’t for everyone—and because it’s a private school, it doesn’t have to be. Except for one thing: Dream City Christian Academy is one of a growing number of religious schools that are supported by public funds. . . .

Read on.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Students Remember KIPP: The "Abusive Caregiver," Part 4

This post contains the final part of my interview with Kayla, who shared her story as a middle school student who was sexually abused by a KIPP teacher, Charlie Randall (Randall died earlier this year).  

Kayla offers a compelling case that other teachers, including co-founder, David Levin, were aware that orchestra teacher, Charlie Randall, was consistently and repeatedly inappropriate with female students and that Randall was sometimes drunk on the job.  

Kayla was a KIPP student during the early days the Bronx KIPP Academy in New York.  Find previous parts of the interview here:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

I: So what do you hope to accomplish by sharing your story?
A: I think all of our stories are a very important part of the KIPP story, not as a way to splatter negativity against KIPP because, again, I love KIPP, and I'm appreciative of KIPP.  I just get extremely triggered when I hear about KIPP or when I see KIPP—it’s a thing, it's really a thing in my life.  And on a very high-level, I don't think Mr. Levin deserves to have a seat at the table at KIPP.  The thing about his co-CEO, Feinberg, who got fired and no longer has a seat at the table, right?
[Allegations of sexual misconduct by Mike Feinberg, with both middle school students and teachers, led to Feinberg’s firing.  A New York Times story on the matter here:  https://www.nytimes.com/2018/02/22/us/kipp-sexual-misconduct-michael-feinberg.html?searchResultPosition=1]
I feel like, just because you didn't touch children, it doesn't mean that you didn't do something equally damaging, and I feel like he has been able to skate under the radar and not be held accountable. And there are literally dozens of people who are grown now, but children then, who are out there who were not protected by him, and he pretends he doesn't know a thing.
It would be one thing if he said out loud to the lawyers or whomever, ‘I fucked up, I fucked up’.  If he told us that he was 25 years old, and it was the 90s, you know, really a sign of the times, but ‘I am sorry’ [Kayla’s emphasis]. But he has never been able to do that. And I think that ‘I’m sorry’ is a very powerful thing because that's what leads to forgiveness, right?
I mean, he didn't touch me and I know that he was 25 and I understand it was the 90s and I remember the 90s—a lot of things went on in the 90s that wouldn't go on now, but to see someone that I hold out as a father and that I have respect for, to never accept accountability, escape accountability, and throw someone under the bus and literally take away his whole livelihood, which was Martinez [former KIPP gym teacher], it sucks. It just sucks. And I think there’s a lot of power And I think him saying sorry and I fucked up—I should've protected you guys and didn’t—would go a long way. But to see him continue to have a seat at the table—I don't think he deserves it. I really don’t.
And I just wondered if this ever keeps him up at night. He knows—he knows that Randall used to drink—he knows that Randall would show up drunk at school, and Randall would get fresh with us. Like why would you allow a drunk man to be around us that got fresh with us—like he knew that was inappropriate. And I think a lot of us just suffer as adults.  And there’s just no place to—like I can talk about in therapy until I’m blue in the face, I can get on my knees and pray to God about it I'm blue in the face, but nothing is ever going to make it better, unless he says ‘I am sorry—I fucked up.’
I: You would like to see some accountability?
A: Yes.
I: A quick sidebar here: Mr. Martinez was blamed, or he became the fall guy, when this began to surface, right? And he was fired?
A: Yeah.
I: Okay. And did the story go away at that point?
A: Yeah, the stories went away, all of a sudden, the articles disappeared in the newspapers—you can’t pull them up anymore. And all of a sudden, Sara Martinez went away. You just never heard from her again. She's not on social media, her number changed.  
A: So what grade were you in when Mr. Martinez was fired?
A: I was grown, I was an adult.
I: Would you estimate what year it was?
A: 2018, 2019, somewhere in there. Let me check the letter.  Here we go: 6-18-2020. Dave wrote a letter to the community-at-large.
[The letter referred to here is from David Levin to KIPP alumni, dated June 18, 2020.  The letter may be accessed here: https://www.kipp.org/news/a-letter-from-dave-levin-to-kipp-alumni/]
I: So you would like to achieve some kind of accountability here and to hear David Levin say that he is sorry, which is totally understandable and realistic desire, wish, hope.  Can you talk about how KIPP has affected your life?
A: I think that KIPP has impacted my my ability to connect with men in a way that is unhealthy. And I have been working very hard to unpack that. Like I have to get away from dating older men because that is what I'm used to, and that is what I was groomed to do, right? I have to get away from chasing men with money who will take care of me because, again, that’s what I was groomed to do, that is what I was used to.
Like a lot of the unhealthy behaviors and the way that I viewed myself sexually—I had to get away from that. I had to learn to love myself outside of that.
I:  Yes.  [long pause] Are there other ways?
A: That's the biggest one worth talking about.  Our friendships were unhealthy at KIPP, especially in my class.
I: Can you say more about that?
A: A lot of colorism at KIPP, and you will see in that letter that Levin addresses that. But there was a lot of colorism and a lot of racism that KIPP.
I: Do you think there were other administrators besides Levin who knew [about Randall’s behavior with KIPP students]?
A: Yeah, definitely. Because Randall would literally sit in a chair in the hallway and make disgusting comments about us. And you had Corcoran and Myers right across the hall. You had Breen right across the hall. And he would make these comments in front of everyone. So when everything hit the fan, it was crazy for all of these teachers to say we didn't know. And it was like, well, he made comments to you guys. He made the comments out loud. These guys would just shake their heads when he made these comments, so what do you mean you didn't know? 
Everyone's denial of it has been weird for us because we were all there. We all heard it.
I: And did Levin know? 
A: Yes. When I say Levin knew, I want to make this clear – when I say everyone knew, they heard the comments he was making, and the comments were disgusting for 11, 12, 13, 14 year old girls. I'm not saying that anyone knew about the actual sexual assaults that were happening, but I think the grooming was clear. I think the sexual innuendo was clear. The fact that we all called him a dirty old man, teachers and students, was because he made these comments out loud all the time in front of everyone.
I: What was a typical comment?
A: He would make comments about our bodies. He would make comments about things that men like sexually. He would make comments about how his money gave him access to women. Stuff like that.
I: Do you remember times when Levin was present when he was making these kinds of comments?
A: All the time. This was something that happened daily. It wasn't like he was trying to hide it because he definitely did not. This wasn't something that happened once a week – we were in school with each other from seven in the morning to five at night, Saturdays and summer. And literally, Saturdays were nothing but orchestra, so we were around each other more than we were our families. Of course Levin was there, of course. Like I said, Levin, hides behind this ‘I was 25 years old when this happened, and you can't use a lens of what is appropriate in 2024 to view what happened then. But the standard is always been you have a duty to report, duty to protect, you're a mandated reporter, that has always been the same. But he will blame a lack of training and the time [that these events occurred].
I: Do you know if he has ever been confronted with this?
A: Yeah, Sara [Martinez, the student] confronted him. Sara definitely confronted him. Martinez [Mr. Martinez, the gym teacher] confronted him when he got fired for not reporting. And Martinez was like, but I told you. And so they said, do you have any emails? Can you prove it? And he couldn’t.
I: So Sara Martinez sort of disappeared after that, I believe you said.
A: Yeah.
I: So you have no idea where she might be now?
A: Nope.
I: So Sara confronted Levin when she left KIPP?
A: It's my understanding she started confronting him about her 10th grade year, when it started to impact her immensely. So let’s see, 10th grade would have been 20__. So from about 20__ to about 2019. She kept nagging a KIPP and nagging at KIPP and nagging at KIPP, and going to the Daily News and do whatever newspaper would listen in New York, and making it a big deal, and blowing it up, until eventually it just went away. 
[The New York Times carried the story of the findings of an investigation in 2017 (https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/20/nyregion/kipp-nyc-charter-schools-debevoise-sex-abuse-report.html). So Sara Martinez was trying to get acknowledgement that she had been sexually assaulted by a KIPP teacher for over a decade].
I: And you haven't seen her appear on social media or anywhere since about 2019?
A: No.
I: Okay. Do you know if Levin or if any other teacher at the school had knowledge of Randall’s intoxication?
A: Yeah, because Levin had to send him home sometimes. Sometimes he would be so intoxicated that he would have to be sent home. But if there was a performance coming up, or if there were donors in the buildings—if there were donors in the building, he couldn’t be there intoxicated.  And the reason I know this is that Randall told me personally. But yeah, everyone knew. Do you know why it wasn’t a secret? He had a bottle of Johnny Walker Black on the counter and the classroom.  He would do shots. After class, he would say, ‘do you want to do a shot—have you ever had liquor before?’
I: Oh, wow. Wow. Did Randall have anything to do with Concepcion getting the job at KIPP? Do you have any knowledge of that?
A: Yes, absolutely. Randall brought Concepcion’s to KIPP.  
I: So when Randall left Concepcion took his position, right?
A: They were both there at the same time. They were both there my ______ grade year.  And it was crazy when Concepcion was there. Because when Concepcion came, it was clear the Randall told him about me. He tried me, and I told him, like, don’t try me. And what was outrageous about Concepcion is that Concepcion would bring his mistress to the orchestra room. Concepcion would talk about sex in front of us, like him having sex with all these other women, the fact that he had a lot of money, he could have sex with all these women—this is what happened during orchestra rehearsal. Clear as day, and no one said a thing because we had a really good orchestra.

Saturday, June 01, 2024

Students Remember KIPP: The "Abusive Caregiver," Part 3

You will find Part 1 of Kayla's interview here and Part 2 here

Below is the question that Kayla was responding to when Part 3 of our interview begins below:  
I: Do you feel like it [sexual abuse] was happening to more people than just you and your close circle of friends?

A: I only know about girls from my class. I don't know who else. Actually, one girl said that Mr. Randall raped her when she was a teenager.

Students Remember KIPP: The "Abusive Caregiver," Part 3

A: She said he literally raped her, and when you get into the later classes, I don’t know what was Randall and what was Concepcion. And then I’m told there were a bunch of people it happened to who choose to say nothing at all. They don't even want the drama of putting their names out there and that type of thing. So it was rampant, it was very rampant.

I: Okay.  Now this Mr. Concepcion – when did he enter into the picture?

A: Now, that was my eighth grade year, and I feel like that's when he started to come in part time. What was unique about Concepcion, Randall was Concepcion’s six grade violin teacher. 

I: So Randall was his mentor sort of?

A: Yeah, definitely. And Randall brought Concepcion into KIPP.

I: I see. Uh, so that was about when you were in the eighth grade?

A: Yeah.

I:  So you were at KIPP from _____ to _____. And you went to private school after that?

A: I did.

I: And how did that come about?

A: Um, so we didn't have KIPP high schools yet. And so boarding schools, private schools, and Catholic schools were the thing. And so I applied and I got in.

I: Okay.  Let’s talk a little bit more about Mr. Concepcion. He came when you were in the eighth grade, and what was your relationship with Mr. Concepcion?

A: I stayed away from him. I thought he was completely creepy. Like he used to lick his lips and look at me and told me ‘I've heard about you’. I could take care of you. And I said, no, I’m good. And then I went away to high school, and I never spoke to him again.

I: Oh wow. Now did you know of other girls who were victimized or . . . by Mr. Concepcion?

A: Yeah, tons. They talk about it all the time online. But they are younger than me, so by the time all of this stuff was happening, I was gone.

I: Uh huh.  So Mr. Concepcion was a replacement for Mr. Randall?

A: Yeah. 

I: And what happened to Randall? Is he still alive?

A: He died around Christmas [of 2023] from cancer.

I: Okay.  Now after leaving KIPP, did you have any contact with him?

A: Yeah, he uh, called me every year on my birthday, I called him every year on his birthday, Father's Day, and Christmas.

I: Um.  So it was only fairly recently that this person asked you the question that caused your internal investigation in terms of how you would react if your children were going to a school like that. So that happened about two years ago?

A: I want to say it happened somewhere around 2019 or 2020. 

I: Okay, so until that time you had really not viewed it as you came to view it?

A: I just never processed it—it was just something that happened in my past . . .

I: Right.

A: You know—it was what it was.

I: Have you sought counseling since then?

A: For him? For him specifically, no. I’ve had counseling for other things, but again, the older I get, I’m like hmm, I wonder if the attraction I have for older men is because of the  relationship I had with Randall.  And if these relationships I've had with older men have always been based on me needing them and dependent on them, because I was very dependent on Randall.  You just, as you get older you just begin to see patterns, right? So I've spoken with my therapist about the men that I've been with especially bc of things I experienced in my youth, but never about Randall specifically.

I: I’m going to play devil’s advocate, here, a little bit, if I may: if someone read your story, and that person was associated with KIPP, and they said, well obviously, this was just a disgruntled student who had a bad experience at KIPP, what would you say?

A: I think I had one of the best experiences at KIPP. I think my story is one that was used often at KIPP as someone who came from my bad parenting situation—KIPP came in and saved the day—this person went to private school, college, has advanced degrees,  is a homeowner. So quintessentially, I am the KIPP story.

I’m not bitter.  In fact, I started the story with ‘I love KIPP. KIPP is, I wouldn’t send my children there, but KIPP is very near and dear to my heart because my outcome wasn’t negative. I had bad experiences, but my outcome was overwhelmingly positive. But just because my outcome was overwhelmingly positive, that does not mean that I am endorsing what was bad and illegal while I was there.

I: So why wouldn’t you send your children to KIPP?

A: Well, one, KIPP is for children who come from a certain type of background, and my kids don’t—we’re not even zoned for KIPP. We live in the suburbs. And then, two, well, that’s really it. My kids are so, they’re fine. So there are certain kids out there who needed KIPP.  I needed KIPP. There are kids who need KIPP, and my kids just don’t need KIPP.

I:  Uh huh. What kind of kid needs KIPP?

A: Typically, kids who come from impoverished backgrounds who need structure, who need guidance, who really need to understand there’s something outside those walls at KIPP and something outside those proverbial walls wherever they are, right? So there are people who grow up socioeconomically impoverished, who don’t know there is something bigger and better out there. And KIPP really brings that vision to people, to let them know there is something bigger and better out there, and these are the tools to get to it.

I:  Okay.  You know, there’s a substantial amount of research that shows between 50 and 70 percent of students who start 5th grade at KIPP don’t finish 8th grade at KIPP. Why do you think that is?

A: When was that statistic in play? Was that in play when I was at KIPP, or when I was a teenager, or in my twenties.

I:  I can’t point you directly to the research, but I can find it for you. Probably around 2008 to 2012 when the research was done.

SRI conducted and published a study in 2008 (original study here) that found a 55% attrition rate among KIPP students (grades 5-8) in four San Francisco Bay Area KIPP schools. Similar attrition rates were found in a Western Michigan University study published in 2011 (see original study here).

A: Well, if it was back then, then it was because you got kicked out of KIPP if your grades were not up to par. It was the grades that helped KIPP get their funding, right? So if you're someone who had behavioral issues . . . like half of my class that was with me in fifth grade didn't make it to sixth grade. In 5th grade were two classes, and in 6th grade we were one. So everyone got put out who had behavioral issues or who made it hard for KIPP to do their job.  By what time we got to seventh grade we were back to two classes again – they brought students from IS 166 where Randall was from. We had the smart class and the class that clearly wasn't so smart.

So it wasn't like KIPP took geniuses and tried to pass them through, but if you had behavioral issues, you are definitely put out of KIPP.

I: So one thing that KIPP likes to talk about or brag about is there very low suspension rate. So if they're not suspending kids or expelling kids, how did these kids end up out of school if they didn’t want them there?

A: Because you had in-school suspension. And that must be what they’re not reporting. I was on in-school suspension almost every day, but also, I have the top grades in my class, right? So you weren't going to put me out. 

Yeah, KIPP never suspended anyone—everybody just got put on in-school suspension, which they called administrative punishment. 

I: So, when Mr. Levin heard Mr. Randall make the inappropriate remarks that you talked about, and he react?

A: He would just maybe walk away. It's almost like it was a good old boys club. And also Mr. Randall wasn't crazy, he wouldn't say ‘I want to fuck you’ in front of Mr. Levin, right? But he would make comments about our bodies for the bodies of our mothers, you know, like ‘I can understand how grown men would be attracted to you’. He would say those types of things, but you also have to remember, and I don't know, I feel conflicted about saying this, Levin was about 25 or 26 at this time.

I: Well, let's see, he was fresh out of Yale and Teach for America, and he and Feinberg started KIPP in 1994, so yeah.

A: So he was about 25 at the time—and this was in the 90s. This is what Levin said, and I hear him, but it doesn’t make it any more right. Yeah, he was 25 and it was the 90s, this was part of the times, so you didn’t say anything, but you [Levin] was a mandated reporter who had a duty to protect—and didn’t.

I: Yeah. Yes.  Now, you used the the phrase ‘weird, twisted things’ when you were talking earlier, what do you mean by ‘weird twisted things’? 

A: Can you give me more context about what I was talking about because I cannot—I remember saying it but I don't remember what I was talking about?

I: You were talking about the mental and emotional abuse of students and things that happened to students while they were at KIPP. And the phrase you used was ‘weird and twisted things.’

A: So just imagine that—we’re a bunch of young black kids and like oner half of us come from homes where our parents, uncle or aunt are crackheads, right? So just imagine the trauma of coming in on Halloween and you’re dressed as a ghost and Mr. Randall is dressed as a crackhead. And no one said anything about it. Or imagine being treated vastly different because you are dark skinned. 

We had one girl named ______, and she was treated terribly. Very dark, very much African features. _______ accidentally left her violin on the bus. Randall embarrassed the fuck out of her, not in front of the whole class, but in front of the whole school every chance he got. And ______was very poor—made her pay back, I think, five or ten dollars at a time until she graduated. And made it known that she was poor, pathetic, because she couldn’t pay back—like he made her feel terrible.  

It was known, and in the letter I sent you from Levin [https://www.kipp.org/news/a-letter-from-dave-levin-to-kipp-alumni/], he references the fact that colorism was a thing and apologized for it. And it was. Randall definitely did not like dark skinned and unattractive females at all, and he treated them differently. But I think that everyone treated them differently. The white teachers treated them differently. 

We have another student by the name of ________ ________ who ended up getting put out of KIPP. He was treated terribly. Like the white teachers were not nice. I don't think they were nice to me either, but I was smart, so I got away with a little bit more.

I: Your teachers, what were they like, white, black, old, young?

A:They were all young with the exception of Randall and Myers. And mostly white. And they were terrible, because I could not relate to the student body that they were teaching. And I remember them telling me that I couldn't get into ________ [private high school that Kayla would graduate from]. And I did. I remember them, always having this narrative about me, that I would get pregnant when I was young, and drop out of high school, and I was bad, and that didn’t happen. And I got into ________.

One interesting thing about KIPP  teachers, if you notice, after all this sexual assault stuff started to hit the fan, either people started getting promoted outside of principal by being given really high-paying jobs or they got removed from KIPP Academy.  So they either got really high-paying jobs outside of Kipp Academy, like at the KIPP Foundation or at Corporate or whatever, or they started getting consulting gigs. When things started going awry, there was a lot of movement in KIPP, a lot of promotions.

I:  So Randall became an organizer of other orchestras at other KIPP schools around the country, right?

A: Yeah.

I: So he got to travel around the country, and girls all over were exposed to his behavior? 

A: Yep. But I don’t know what he actually did, I can’t speak to that, but I know that he shouldn't of been exposed to a larger pool of students.

I: Right. It was sort of like he was rewarded in some way like these other teachers at the school who possibly knew what had occurred?

A: Right.

I: Okay.  When you think about KIPP, what do you think about?

A: Um, I think of two things. One, I honestly think that KIPP saved my life. I have a deep appreciation for KIPP for setting me on a trajectory that I needed. I honestly feel that way. Um, on the other hand, KIPP was a very traumatizing experience.

I: On the sexual abuse angle, of course, but were there otherwise that it was traumatizing?

A: Those white teachers just were not nice. Not all of them, but I just did not have a good experience with the white teachers at KIPP.

I: And they were mostly white?

A: Yeah.

I: Did you have any black teachers?

A: Ms. Bernard.  Ms. Bernard was like an angel. We loved Ms. Bernard.

I: What did she teach?

A: Language arts. she was awesome. 

I: But the rest of the more white, young, essentially inexperienced?

A: Yeah.

I: And, uh, not nice?

A: No.

I: Are there other ways that it was traumatizing?

A: It was mostly just Randall, and Levin’s complacency in allowing Randall to do whatever he wanted. That’s what it was for me. So not was I not protected at home, but I spent all this time at KIPP, too, it was a fucked up situation there, too.

I: After high school, did you go to college? 

A: I did.  I went to college in ________.  

I: A a lot of people do that. Did you feel like your dropping out was related to your experiences, your trauma, at KIPP?

A: I think emotionally I was just spent. I went to KIPP and had a lot of school, and I went to _______ and had a lot of school. I needed a fucking break. I was tired. That’s the best way that I could put it, I was tired and had no support, no mentor, I just gave up.

I: What should parents know about KIPP before they enroll their kids there—that KIPP doesn’t tell them?

A: Well, remember that no one knew anything about KIPP. KIPP was brand new. We we were among the first students of KIPP. Have you ever heard of the KIPP Commitment to Excellence form?

I: Yes, it’s sometimes referred to as a contract, right?

A: Yes, a contract. And it said every day we’re going to be on time, and be there from 7:15 until 5. And we commit to Saturdays. And we commit to summers. We commit to behaving. We commit to trusting KIPP teachers to kind of discipline us. It was interesting.

I: So all those things parents know ahead of time right?

A: Yeah. But parents don't know that Levin and especially Mr. Waxman would yell at us to the point that they were red and purple, and throw shit at us, scream at us, and belittle us, and tell us we’re going to grow up and be nothing—especially if we didn't go to college. That was part of the playbook, but not in the contract—the part that was absurd, the weird shit that was going on. And we were really abused. I don't think people really understand what it's like to have a teacher in your face like a jail warden yelling at you and cussing at you and throwing desks across the room. Like they had some real anger issues. If someone did that, to my child, they were going to jail. 

I would never, ever—but our parents allowed it. Some parents would come to the school. I think Levin got punched in the face, I think Bernard got punched in the face.  It happened a couple of times, apparently would say ‘not my kid, don’t even think about it.’

But a lot of us, especially they Hispanic children, for those of us who didn't live with our parents, who lived with grandparents or whatever, nobody was going to come to school and say shit because they were just happy that we were at KIPP most of the time.

I: I have heard similar stories from others. Do you remember what the offense that would cause such anger among KIPP teachers?

A: We were probably like talking.

I: Any offense was a large offense, right?

A: Any offense was a large offense—anytime you did not listen, fall in line, like you cannot beat children. But that’s why I have discipline now.  I don’t know if it makes me a better parent or worse parent, because my kids are always, like, what the fuck, we can never make you happy. And I’m like ‘why can't you just do this correctly?’ And I really have to check myself. It’s like, no that’s not cool—I remember being their age and being treated like that, and that wasn’t good. But I also have an immense amount of self-control, um, I don’t know—I struggle with it when it comes to parenting.

 Are you a former student or teacher eager to share your KIPP story (anonymously if you so choose) about Charlie Randall or his protege and now-convicted child sex abuser, Jesus Concepcion? If you would like to share your story, please contact me via email: ontogenyx@gmail.com