Page above (click it to enlarge) from the Forum for Educational Accountability. Below are the references to source the information for the 11 states listed above.
In the meantime, liberals are scurrying around Capitol Hill playing Let's Make a Deal with the privatizers as the future of the public education system sits on the chopping block. The latest evidence? A Feingold-Leahy proposal that keeps in place the IMPOSSIBLE PIPEDREAM of 100% proficiency if Title One is fully funded:
Addressing the 2014 Deadline – Reforms the 2014 deadline by putting in place a funding trigger that waives the 2014 deadline for any year that Congress does not fully fund Title I, Part A.What I know and they know, as well, is that the entire Defense Budget added to Title One will not make the 2014 proficiency target any less impossible. This stipulation is simply an open invitation to charterize and voucherize K-12 education as schools continue to swoon under the unreachable goals and as the Gates-Broad movement swings into full action mode, i.e. dumping truckloads of cash into Congressional re-election offices.
Parents, teachers, and students just saying no is the only thing that will derail this bullet train.
CA Accountability page: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/ac/ay/index.asp
“Projecting AYP in Connecticut Schools” (2004)
Great Lakes Region: Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin
The Impact of the Adequate Yearly Progress Requirement of the Federal “No Child Left Behind” Act on Schools in the Great Lakes Region, September 2005
Additional information for Illinois:
http://www.ed.gov/admins/lead/account/stateplans03/ilcsa.pdf. Fig. 4 on page 14
Additional information for Minnesota:
Office of the Legislative Auditor, State of Minnesota. (February 26, 2004).
NCLB: A Steep Climb Ahead: A Case Study of Louisiana’s School Accountability System, Public Affairs Research Council of Louisiana, Inc., July 2004
Facing Reality: What happens when good schools are labeled “failures”? Projecting Adequate Yearly Progress
in Massachusetts schools. http://www.mespa.org/pdf/o5JuneAYP.pdf
Projecting AYP Results in Pennsylvania. http://www.qualityednow.org/pdf/PA-Report2005.pdf
Forum on Educational Accountability materials are available at www.edaccountability.org.
if we can't turn to feingold for help...who can we turn to?