The No Labels movement was born out of support for these shared goals, and we are committed to helping our nation remain true to these values that we all profess in an environment, [sic] which encourages fact-based discussions.
We are not labels – we are people.
We must put our labels aside,
And put the issues and what’s best for the nation first.
A promising future awaits us.
It sounds so right, doesn't it. Yes, I am ready. Yes, we can can our democracy. The shared goals we all agree on? Replacing the old-school goal of a nation serving as a beacon for democratic living and the spread of democracy will be, first and foremost, world economic hegemony and cutting away the social net at home for our corporate benefit (my underlining). I am feeling the power surging through us:
The US must Remain the World’s Premier Economic Power- Most Americans realize that unprecedented levels of debt threaten America’s economic growth. [i] What’s worse, half of that debt belongs to foreign countries like China. We need to restore fiscal solvency. Because a huge share of the budget goes to fund mandatory, “entitlement” programs, fiscal solvency is simply not possible without entitlement reform.[ii] We need our representatives to do the math, without worrying about ideology.
To remain # 1 at the cash register, we will need an energy policy that is aimed toward the same goal, one that does not mention the annoying and impending extinction of most species on Earth:
And let's not leave out education. After all, to change a democracy, you must change its education system. Where old-school thinking was focused on civic virtue, democratic values, productive citizenship, we set out our new shared goals for our children, goals for the benefit of our shared corporate economic engine that put labels aside (unless you cling to the status quo and insist on resisting the corporatization of America and its public spaces). And let's base our shared goals on some bold decontextualized "facts" from a discredited scare document from 2005 called Rising Above The Gathering Storm: Energizing and Employing America for a Brighter Economic Future. The sequel, just out in October of this year, is scarier still: Rising Above the Gathering Storm, Revisited: Rapidly Approaching Category 5:
And finally, our shared goals the government, itself, which is hopelessly broken like every other institution requiring a corporate fix. Please note that "for the people" has been eliminated from Lincoln's speech, for purposes determined by the Home Office:
We need an Energy Policy that Promotes National Security. . . . The United States needs a coherent energy policy to guarantee our economic vitality and energy security for years to come. We need an approach that focuses on increasing energy supplies from diversified, clean, sustainable sources. We need to reduce unnecessary and inefficient demand. Developing abundant energy must be a unifying effort for our country--a national mission that draws on America’s extraordinary invention and entrepreneurship.
We Must Prepare Our Children for 21st Century Jobs—The United States now ranks 20th among industrialized nations in high school completion rates [iv] And-- in a global economy that is increasingly driven by technological development--, we rank a dismal 48 in quality of math and science education.[v] This year a National Academy of Sciences panel found our students are less competitive than they were five years ago. Our children should be prepared for the best jobs in the world; they deserve an educational system that does that. It is time for our children to come before entrenched interests that protect the status quo. We need increased accountability throughout the educational system, as well as the the support systems teachers and students need to succeed. We need elected officials who realize this is not an option.Not an option, and No Excuse, by the way. After all, we have universal agreement in the No Labels camp for more name taking and punishing and grinding children into test scores for the benefit of us billionaires.
And finally, our shared goals the government, itself, which is hopelessly broken like every other institution requiring a corporate fix. Please note that "for the people" has been eliminated from Lincoln's speech, for purposes determined by the Home Office:
We Need a Government of the People, By the People—None of the problems we list above are new. But our government has failed to come up with common sense solutions because our political process is broken. . . .I am glad we all agree, and I am hopeful that all of you will vote for mayoral control nationwide as we ramp up the campaign to put Mayor Bloomberg in the Corporate Wing of the White House as CEO of the CEOs.
The poverty pimp and pusher of school privatization in Los Angeles, Mayor VIllaraigosa boasted of "Speaking at the No Labels Launch!" on his Twitter account today. No surprises there, huh?